Marco Moro

Alien Entities: How Chemical Pollution Threatens the Global Ecosystem

Since 2009, the Planetary Boundaries have been one of the most effective displays of the main drivers of global ecosystem crises, their “progress”, and their interconnections. In this fr...

New Economy Turns 50

The authorship of a project is always collective, but somewhere there is a moment and specific people who trigger the process that, eventually, will lead to its realisation. This may sound like a cl...

EPR for automotive? Design Them Better!

After months of debate and heated discussions on fuels – diesel, petrol and e-fuel – something new is emerging in the automotive sector. “Better designs” is the indicati...

The greatest economist you've probably never heard of

Thus someone defined Herman Daly, who passed away on October 28 at the age of 84. Whether or not he was the father of ecological economics matters little. What Herman Daly's work represented can al...

Regenerating Local Territories with the Bioeconomy

The new European Strategy for the bioeconomy places emphasis on the territorial dimension: rapidly developing local “bioeconomies” throughout the continent. The geographical focal points...

A Network for Circularity

To enhance knowledge of the principles and practices of the circular economy in the industrial system, Confindustria – the General Confederation of Italian Industry – is proposing a dedi...

3D Intelligence

Non-conventional is the standard definition of Gunter Pauli’s ideas. The visionary entrepreneur from Antwerp has always tried to overthrow the rules of neoclassical economics, with an ability ...

Twelve and Growing

The G7 ministerial summit on the environment – hosted in Bologna last June – was an opportunity to take off-schedule stock on the many themes that should be at the forefront of governmen...

From Nowhere to COP21

ArtCOP21. The acronym implies an agenda of cultural events in Paris that is paving the way for the 21th round of negotiations about climate and is going to animate the capital of France as long as t...

The Village of Materials

  If there is a place where designers’ attention and curiosity regularly threatens a collapse due to an excess of stimuli, this is at Milan Design Week, scheduled between April 12th an...

Aluminium letters

Cans and calligraphy: this sounds really like an odd combination. But if you search online for cola pen everything becomes clear and you discover a collection of tools which buffs and experts of thi...

Oil Draws a Perfect Circle

The regeneration of used mineral oils represents a well-established positive example of circular economy in our country. Today, in Italy over 95% of used lubricating oils which enter a regeneration ...

Circular Economy Showing off

In order not to risk sending a weak signal, it chose the most prominent position: the fair’s entrance hall, impossible to go unnoticed. So the “ExNovo Materials in the Circular Economy&...

From Recycling to High-End Products

Plastics with or without Market Value Plastics can be conveniently classified into two large groups: those with market value, such as Pet or Pe bottles, that are recycled through well-established c...

Bioeconomy and Food Security: The Relaunch of Agriculture Is at Stake

A growing demand for food, raw materials and energy, following land consumption that went beyond the security threshold, has now reached its physical limit. This was the scenario addressed in Berl...

Green Innovation Needs Patient Capital

    With no intention whatsoever to instigate legends on private companies, Pavan Sukhdev – interviewed in the last issue of this magazine – claims that the main driving fo...

The Soil's Perspective

“On a global scale, our analysis systems show that farmland expansion has reached a point of no return”, these are the words used by Johan Rockström in the interview published in is...

The Future Is in the Hands of Corporations

Pavan Sukhdev - Photo by Beatrice Törnros   How much are ecosystem services worth in monetary terms? How much are rain, oxygen, climate, biodiversity – s...
