
Is Europe Changing Its Policy on the Circular Economy?

Is Europe Changing Its Policy on the Circular Economy?

New elections not only introduce new faces in the assemblies but they often change policies and targets in line with the new political views of the winning alignment. The European Parliament electi...

The War for Biomass

The War for Biomass

Nevertheless, are agricultural waste and refuse able to feed the whole bioeconomy? The global situation we are faced with at the moment is very complicated: on the one hand, the demand for biomass i...

In Italy the Bioeconomy Is Worth 241 Billion Euro

In Italy the Bioeconomy Is Worth 241 Billion Euro

  We now know that in Italy the bioeconomy is worth €241 billion and employs approximately 1.6 million people. Such figures are provided by Intesa Sanpaolo Think Tank based on a thorough ...

Waste Thieves

Waste Thieves

So, a substantial overall growth bolstered by many industries. In 2010, building sites recycled and used 51 million tons of inert waste and 22 million of scrap iron (equalling 77% of the iron and ...

Why China is Embracing the Circular Economy

Why China is Embracing the Circular Economy

One potential remedy to resource supply constraints and consequently high resource prices and volatility could be for China to further engage with the concepts and approaches of the circular economy...

Kickstarting the Circular Economy in China

Kickstarting the Circular Economy in China

The task is daunting considering the pressing need to provide a growing population of 1.3 billion with a greater standard of living, while income disparities have reached a thirty-year record peak.(...

The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

In 2009, in the middle of the financial and economic crisis, Europe was awakened by the fact that it was losing industrial significance to emerging economies. To counteract, the European Commission ...

Eco-Friendly Playing Fields

Eco-Friendly Playing Fields

They can do so thanks to football pitches made with recycled rubber and synthetic turf. Such solutions guarantee playing performances equivalent to those of traditional fields and that, as illustrat...

Net Gain: Fighting Ocean Pollution

Net Gain: Fighting Ocean Pollution

  Then he got an idea. He and two friends had been talking for months about finding a way to address the issue of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans by starting a business making pr...
