Numero #53

2024 Nature-based Solutions

From soil regeneration to green infrastructures, from water management through reforestation to sand barriers defending our coastlines: re-establishing a partnership with nature is the path to securing the wellbeing of both people and the planet. RM53 is a journey around the world to explore the concept of Nature-based Solutions and its application across numerous areas of the economy and sustainable development.





Emanuele Bompan

We are nature
Gianfranco Bologna



Tree, Paper, Tree

Giorgia Marino



Valuing Nature Is the Missing Ingredient. Not GDP
Interview with Partha Dasgupta

Giorgio Kaldor

A lgae, the Future from Under the Sea
Interview with Vincent Doumeizel

Emanuele Bompan

Biodiversity Is the Solution
Interview with Massimo Labra

Emanuele Bompan

Regeneration: Putting Life at the Centre
Interview with Eduard Muller

Antonella Ilaria Totaro



The Importance of Definitions

Valeria Barbi

Climate Puts Seas and Coasts in Danger, but NatureWill Protect Them

Marco Merola

Nature Goes to the City

Maria Chiara Voci

Managing Water without Technology

Giorgio Kaldor

Regenerating the Soil with Forests, Peatlands,and Earthworms

Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Salvation Lies in Wilderness

Valeria Barbi

Investing in Nature: Biodiversity Credits as a ConservationTool

Lucrezia Lenardon

NbS-washing, When Solutions Turn into Problems

Simone Fant


A Sponge Park for Water Resilience

Giorgio Kaldor

Building with Nature in the Netherlands

Antonella Ilaria Totaro

From Cherry to Cup, Lavazza Closes the Circle in the Worldof Coffee

Antonella Ilaria Totaro

3Bee, the Nature-tech Company that Surveys Biodiversity

Giorgia Marino

All the Benefits of a Bamboo Forest

Valeria Pagani

Novamont Has a New Carbon Footprint Measurement Toolfor Mater-Bi Product

Valeria Pagani

All Aboard at Ecomondo, to Accelerate the Green Transition

Emanuele Bompan

Seven Startups Join the Third Edition of the Terra NextAcceleration Programme

Antonella Ilaria Totaro



By Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Eion, Permanent CO2 Removal with Enhanced Weathering

Funga, Restoring Biodiversity and Storing CO2 through Mycorrhizae

NARA Climate, Restoring Productive Ecosystems with Saltwate

NatureMetrics, Scalable Biodiversity Metrics Powered by eDNA



Nature-based Solutions Must Be a Part of the CircularEconomy’s Arsenal of Tools
Ana Birliga Sutherland


Using Nature (Well) to Fight the Climate Crisis
Francesco Petrucci

