Numero #38

2021 Circular building

With a carbon emission rate of 36% of the global total, construction is today the Achilles heel of decarbonisation. Although the sector has always been energy-intensive and with a high consumption of materials, it is now facing a revolution in the direction of sustainability and circularity. From the New European Bauhaus to the materials passport, MR38 searches for innovations, ideas and solutions for a new way of building.



Unreal Estate
Emanuele Bompan, Marco Caffi

Creating a Circular Economy for Buildings
David Cheshire


The New European Bauhaus Will Rethink the Place and Space We Live in Today
Emanuele Bompan

The Material Passport: A Wild Idea that Became the Future
Antonella Ilaria Totaro. Interview with Sabine Oberhuber and Thomas Rau

One Hundred Years of Sustainable Buildings
Giorgia Marino. Interview with Shamir Ghumra


Closing the Loop
Anna Re

The Circular DNA of the Construction Sector
Marco Caffi

Circular Building. Four Studies Guiding Transition
Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Energy and Carbon Dioxide Embodied in Construction Materials
Francesco Asdrubali, Gianluca Grazieschi, Marta Roncone, Francesca Thiebat, Corrado Carbonaro

Home Sweet Home: Ever More Sustainable and Innovative
Mario Bonaccorso

Wood, Construction Sector’s New Ally
Rudi Bressa

The Most Destructive Material in the World, or a Driver of Progress?
Daniele Di Stefano

The Next Real Estate
Alberto Ballardini


Vivi Meglio, Enel X’s Proposal for Sustainable Construction
Sergio Ferraris. Interview with Valeria Sbrescia

Rockwool: Circular and Fireproof Insulation
Simone Fant

Built by Nature: Accelerating Europe’s Timber Building Transformation
Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Recovering Returned Concrete
Pietro Mezzi

by Antonella Ilaria Totaro
ECOncrete, the Eco-Friendly Concrete Made for Marine Environments
Modular, Recycled, and Reusable Construction Products with QuickBlock
Furniture as a Service with Feather
Topolytics: Waste Tracking and Analytics Through WasteMap


Construction at the Service of Climate Neutrality
Francesco Petrucci


An All-Italian (In)efficiency
Sergio Ferraris
