Numero #31

2020 Soil Issue

A special issue on Soil: regeneration, bioeconomy, sustainable agriculture and struggle for soil protection, among the topics covered. With interviews with Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio (FAO), David R. Montgomery (Washington University), Massimo Centemero (CIC).



Circular Antivirus
by Emanuele Bompan

Falling in Love with SDG’s and the New Green Deal
by Ladeja Godina Košir


To Go Forward We Must Look Down
by Mattia Battagion

FAO Issues the Contaminated Land Alarm
by Giorgia Marino

Soil is Vital
by Massimo Centemero


Desertification: is Europe on the Brink of a Soil Crisis?
by Giorgia Marino

EU: for a New Land Policy
by Giuseppe Milano

Europe Counts on Biofertilizers for a Sustainable Agriculture
by Mario Bonaccorso

RE Soil Foundation. Under our Feet, our Wealth
by Sergio Ferraris

Earth Regeneration for Human Health
by Franco Fassio

"It's the How, not the Cow"
by Mattia Battagion

The Future of Protein
by Antonella Ilaria Totaro

PrimaLoft: Responsibility of Materials
by Emanuele Bompan

Beyond recycling: the Copenhagen Circularity Lab
by Mattia Battagion

Amazon: Do Not Destroy
by Giorgia Marino


by Antonella Ilaria Totaro
Desserto, Algalife, ALDstone, Rheaply
