renewable energy

Electro! Shock!

Triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency by the end of the decade: this is the core of the global energy industrial plan adopted by 196 nations last December at COP28 in Dubai, at the he...

New Economy Turns 50

The authorship of a project is always collective, but somewhere there is a moment and specific people who trigger the process that, eventually, will lead to its realisation. This may sound like a cl...

Green ammonia and hydrogen storage, a partnership between NextChem Tech and Vallourec

NextChem Tech's proprietary technology dedicated to green ammonia will be integrated with Vallourec's Delphy technology for hydrogen storage. Disclosing the collaboration is an April 4, 2024 press r...

Althesys: "With a bolder NECP Italians would save 25 billion in bills"

We already knew it: the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), is far from ambitious. Rather, it is ambiguous on many points, since it refers to " technological neutrality" regarding energy source...
