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Fuels: The Battle of Cement Factories

One of Renewable Matter’s objectives is to open a dialogue on sensitive and difficult subjects, where environmentalists and industrialists can have opposite views. The use in cement plants of ...

27 Million Messages

But actually, considering that we are talking about a heap of aluminium cans patiently collected one after the other since 2007 on board Costa Crociere cruise ships, these are impressive numbers: a ...

In Italy Glass Generates 1.4 Billion Euros

While the traditional economy struggles to go on and sometimes it stops, glass keeps on rolling, making the wheels of economy spinning. These are not just mere words but an accurate snapshot of the ...

Successful Granules

In 1986, in Italy, the Italian Ministry of the Environment was created. At that time, environmental law was still extremely indefinite. Waste was collected and then sent mostly to landfills and word...

The Village of Materials

  If there is a place where designers’ attention and curiosity regularly threatens a collapse due to an excess of stimuli, this is at Milan Design Week, scheduled between April 12th an...

Priceless and Unnoticed

It is undoubtedly a step forward that brings Italy on a par with similar realities already present or being created in several counties. For instance, the UK set up its Natural Capital Committee in ...

Turnkey Seaweed Farms

Joining up the thinking capacity of textile specialists, biologists and health & food seaweed application specialists, with the production capabilities and business experience of a major industr...

Go Sailing, for a Change

It was a small vessel that gave up the square sail and replaced it with a mast and a piece of cloth that allowed catching the wind sideways and sailing straight. And the first submersible – th...

Renewability across the Board

In the case of the Kyoto Protocol, it took over 7 years for the European diplomacy, at the time very insular, to make the agreement enter into force. Now the situation is totally different, a muc...

Why Degrowth Has Out-Grown Its Own Name

  Here’s what troubles me about degrowth: I just can’t bring myself to use the word. Don’t get me wrong: I think the degrowth movement is addressing the most profound econo...

You're Wrong Kate. Degrowth is a Compelling Word

  My friend Kate Raworth “cannot bring herself to use the word” degrowth. Here are nine reasons why I use it. 1. Clear definition. “Degrowth” is as clear as it gets....

The Resilience renaissance

  Few have applied integrated thinking and cross-disciplinary approach to environmental studies as Carl Folke. Author of 12 books and over 200 scientific papers, including 15 in Science and ...

Little Men Grow up

Tidyman, old and new version, ©Keep Britain Tidy   Tidyman was born in the 50s and, as far as we know, in the United States, popularized by a b...

Gardens and Barren Rocks

  Is there a connection linking opposites? On the one hand, European aspiration to a government in flux, to a circular economy where matter and energy enter a virtuous circle through the cre...

When Repairing a Washing Machine Becomes a Crime

For that Italy dreaming of the circular economy, life is not at all simple. Consumers, companies, recycling managers and consortia must meander through a jungle where the good will to anticipate and...

Dangerous Short-sightedness

Whichever way you look at it, the very concept of biorefinery involves innovation: from the choice of production location – often in decommissioned industrial areas – to the type of raw ...

Circular Economy and Producer Responsibility: A Match that Can Work

Over the years, managing end-of-life tyres has confirmed that, in order to achieve the objective of an effective total recycle thus creating a circular economy model by minimizing resorting to consu...

It Is Time to Pass from Words to Action

From words to action. In a nutshell, this is the challenge launched by the EU at the 4th Bioeconony Stakeholders’ Conference held in Utrecht (The Netherlands) on 12th and 13th April, in the st...

An Uphill Struggle

Covers illustrating this dossier are successful prototypes of an unprecedented and unique communication model the world over. Great trendsetter and conveyor of taste and style, the Uni...

United by a Desk

In the beginning it was the loft, communicative yet impersonal. Then the digital revolution wave brought about home teleworking: working hours tailored to family needs, ecological elimination of the...