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Who Will Fund the Rescue of Earth?

This article was published in \"Valori\". An Italian monthly publication on social economy, ethical finance and sustainability, n° 145, February 2017 (   When the final curt...

Penelope's Lesson

After re-reading the myth of Penelope’s web, it is possible to find much more than a simple ruse to cheat the suitors, but a symbol of the reversibility and circularity of processes. Everything ca...

Turning Wounds into Stories

Italy is a fragile land and it has been increasingly devastated by seismic disasters, which have altered its profile by hitting people and destroying historic villages, settlements, and their artist...

Industrial Renaissance

Some of the world’s leading companies with unique production plants worldwide, some still excellent research despite many obstacles (investments in R&D is merely over 1.3% of GDP), the abi...

What if we Went Back to Coins and Currency?

Over five thousand alternative coins are circulating the world, from Brazil to Japan and from the USA to Europe. Created to contrast the economic crisis and complementary to official currencies, the...

When Design Meets Existing Things

It has already been a few years since the media started talking increasingly often about the regenerative economy: an economy born out of the cooperation between different trades acting within the s...

The Economy that Came from Outer Space

  What happens when you work in an environment where there are no material supplies, the only resource is waste, oxygen is lacking, external conditions are extreme and the only energy is tha...

Vietnam Opens Up to the Circular Economy

This article was originally published in the \"SwitchasiaMAG\", winter 2016/17;   The concept of closed-loop production was very popular in Vietnam during the 20th Ce...

Now it is Southern Italy's Chance

Municipal solid waste sorting is increasing in Italy. There has been a constant, significant increase over the past ten years, or rather in the 2005-2014 period. Furthermore, according to ISPRA (Ita...

Sustainability, the Final Act

There are different techniques. One is based on freezing the corpse in liquid nitrogen, with equipment which completes this passage by distributing the substance through nozzles which spray the body...

An Eco-Dark 2049

Dick’s genius is now, more than ever, alive and real in the mind of millions of people. The world we saw on the big screen, the one where Rick Deckard, played by an unforgettable Harrison Ford...

Circular Cities

So, we are not faced with choosing between two industrial models, but between a self-destructive system, already unable to avoid the counterblows caused by the build-up of environmental imbalances, ...

Lest We Forget Beauty

Photo by Iwan Baan   By its very nature, a city serves as an accelerator of integrated formulas of the circular economy. Citizens’ proximity, production activ...

The Power of Art

  “What you don’t buy or use, will not be produced, will not be wasted. The less, the better. This is what we want to inspire.” ARTPORT_making waves is the curatorial coll...

Innovation Has its Very Own Formula

  Utility companies are having to reinvent themselves. And to do it they are taking a different direction from that of the past, mainly due to environmental issues. The climate first and for...

A Map Enlargement is Required

In a magazine devoting a whole section to policies, it behoves us, after slightly over two years from its inauguration, to consecrate an in-depth analysis to cultural policies carried out by those d...

Mekong, the Disputed River

Photographs by Thomas Cristofoletti   Map edited by: Riccardo Pravettoni  Map’s source: WLE 2017. Dataset on the Dams of the Irrawaddy, Mekong, Red and Sal...

Neoclassical or Ex Novo?

  Biobased neoclassical and ex novo materials. These are the neomaterials representing the new scenarios of matter. Plant or bio-based, extracted from urban mines or recovered from waste, th...

Sustainable Ambition

A need and an opportunity – this is what the bioeconomy is for the government of Spain, that, in March 2016, was the first of the big Mediterranean countries to present its own national strate...

United We Stand

edited by Institut de l’économie circulaire, Parigi   Adrian Deboutière and Laurent Georgeault   ...