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Fashion is Out of Fashion

Fashion is a bizarre subject. The terms stems from the Latin facere (do, make) and through Old French façon to Middle English fashion, and in its multiple senses means manner, appearance, make or s...

Europe: Digital Product Passport is Coming Soon

The Sustainable Products Initiative, included in the new Circular Economy Action Plan and one of the goals of the Green Deal, plans to establish a digital product passport (DPP) that collects data o...

Recycling Covid masks: here are those who attempt it around the world

Sanitary masks have been keeping us company for almost two years now. Every day we buy them, we wear them to protect us from the virus, and finally we throw them away when they exhaust their functio...

Circularity Gap Report 2022: only 8.6% of the global economy is circular

Five hundred billion tons. That's the amount of resources consumed globally over the past six years, between COP21 in Paris in 2015 and COP26 in Glasgow. The sum was calculated by the think-tank Cir...

Cement: the Most Destructive Material in the World or a Driver of Progress?

We use over 4 billion tonnes of cement each year, and almost 3 billion tonnes of CO2 are emitted to manufacture it. And yet, we cannot do without this material. This is how companies are working to ...

Circular fashion: the Retex Green consortium for the management of textile waste in Italy is born

The year 2022 opens with good news for the circular transition of the fashion industry in Italy. Faced with the new obligation to separate collection of textile waste, which came into force on Janua...

Biodiversity, the great challenge of 2022. What are the lessons for politics and businesses?

In 2021, we've been looking hard at the financial and industrial revolution related to decarbonization. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about taxonomy, carbon disclosure, energy efficiency, Sco...

Will battery swapping be the next revolution in the electrical vehicle scene?

One of the biggest challenges to electrifying a fleet of vehicles — aside from adjusting to the range and limitations of the vehicles themselves — is building up the expensive charging infrastru...

We need timber to build on the momentum of COP26

Cut through the political noise and we can see that COP26 was a symbolic moment for the built environment. Reducing whole building-lifecycle emissions is now firmly established as an essential organ...

A (green) steel deal between US and EU. And what about Italy? “Taranto can be a protagonist”

The road to the green economy is paved with geopolitics. A resource like steel makes this even clearer. Inaugurating a new era in transatlantic cooperation, on the sidelines of the G20 in Rome, the ...

Europe: a crackdown on waste exports is on the way

“Our waste is our responsibility. Letting waste pollute the environment, end up in illegal dumpsites or in our oceans is a real loss of resources, which are precious for the EU’s transition to a...

Climate: will plastic be the new coal?

“If plastic were a country, it would be the world’s fifth largest greenhouse gas emitter." Thus begins Judith Enck, president of the American NGO Beyond Plastics, in presenting a report with exp...

Ellen MacArthur Foundation: the climate needs the circular economy

Climate action needs the circular economy. Jocelyn “Joss” Blériot, director of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the most active think tank dealing with reducing the use of raw materials, maximiz...

Plastic waste from Covid-19: over 8 million tons generated worldwide

The fight against single-use plastic consumption has never been harder than in the past two years. With the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the (human) world's hunger for plastic has transformed fr...

Measuring the impacts of companies on the ocean, for a sustainable Blue Economy

The ocean is the largest carbon sink on the planet, and if managed sustainably it can aid in climate change mitigation and adaptation. But its ability to regulate climate is weakened by the direct a...

Built by Nature: Accelerating Europe’s Timber Building Transformation

In the coming years, widespread use of wood in construction could radically change the appearance of our cities. This is the hope of Laudes Foundation, founder of Built by Nature, a new organisation...

Rockwool: Circular and Fireproof Insulation

The construction sector, also thanks to recent regulatory provisions, is decisively directing its efforts toward circularity. Rockwool products can provide an important contribution and they also im...

The Circular DNA of the Construction Sector

Energy-intensive, raw material-grubbing, massive waste and emission producer and much more, the construction sector has a lot to be blamed for, but luckily the circular economy – from single const...

Unreal Estate: a New Way of Building

Our buildings are immobile goods. Silent behemoths, slowly changing over the years. Every so often, they are torn down. More frequently, they are renovated, to limit their decay. More rarely, we reg...

What is the New European Bauhaus?

100 years after Bauhaus, a movement that radically changed art, design and architecture in Germany and beyond, the European Commission has launched a New European Bauhaus to rethink our lifestyles a...