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COP16 Desertification, interview with Alain-Richard Donwahi

Desertification is one of the main drivers of migration and food crises. Along with the UN negotiating processes on Climate (UNFCCC) and Biodiversity (CBD), since 1992 there has been a dedicated tra...

Piano Mattei: the three-card trick at the expense of climate, Africa and Italy

This week, Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee is examining the Mattei Plan (Piano Mattei), the government's strategic framework for Italian African relations. The document, as received by parlia...

Circular economy stimulates responsible finance and provides lower default risk

Published in mid-July by the UN Environment Programme, as part of a single framework of principles for responsible banking in line with the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, the two reports ...

Gruppo CAP: Decarbonising the Water Sector

For a long time, the integrated water sector was considered naturally sustainable due to its intrinsic relationship with water as an element. This approach, however, is a thing of the past, especial...

FIWARE Global Summit: the tenth edition is about to start

On September 18 and 19, 2024, the FIWARE Global Summit, one of the leading business and open-source technology conferences, will be held. It will be convened by the FIWARE Foundation in collabo...

Kamala Harris, a candidate for climate?

The endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris is growing by the hour, now that she has become the de facto Democratic nominee for U.S. president in place of Joe Biden, following his announce...

Hera Group’s Solutions for Circular Decarbonisation

EU climate targets require businesses to undertake rather complex industrial decarbonisation. This radical transformation in the way companies manufacture products and consume energy necessitates th...

China, Third Plenum: Xi promises modernization by 2029, but glosses over domestic crisis

“Further deepening the broad effort on reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization.” All by 2029, the year in which the People's Republic will celebrate its 80th anniversary. This ...

Drought in Sicily: what’s happening?

Livestocks drink mud, lakes dry up, grain and forage harvests are down to zero. These are the shocking images coming recently from Sicily, in the midst of a drought emergency. These hardships a...

Restoring marine ecosystems, the second challenge of the Ocean Decade

As part of the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Ocean Decade), UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission released ten White Papers, each addressing complementa...

Why Beryl is the earliest Atlantic hurricane ever (and will not stay an isolated case)

Increasingly earlier, more intense and devastating, atlantic hurricanes, fuelled by steadily rising ocean temperatures, are becoming ever more dangerous and unpredictable. So much so that some ...

PFASs can be absorbed through the skin and reach the bloodstream

PFAS can penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream, according to the paper Dermal bioavailability of perfluoroalkyl substances using in vitro 3D human skin equivalent models, published in June 20...

Used Mineral Oils: How to Save Energy Thanks to Regeneration

Promoting the efficient and renewable use of resources, in combination with reducing waste and energy use: these circular economy principles lend themselves well to the achievement of energy transit...

Startup Lendis: office furniture and products for rent to fight waste

German startup Lendis offers a subscription-based rental service for furniture, acoustic solutions, laptops, smartphones and other office appliances, allowing equipment to be used in multiple c...

Dams, “Water Batteries” in the Mountains

According to International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts in the Hydropower Special Market Report, global hydropower capacity is projected to increase by 17% between 2021 and 2030. A number equa...

Decarbonising steel: An interview with Andrew Purvis (World Steel Association)

Steel is one of the materials with the highest carbon footprint in the world. For every tonne produced, two tonnes ofCO2 are released into the atmosphere. This is a critical climate balance, but one...

Marine pollution, the first challenge of the Ocean Decade

UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission recently published ten White Papers addressing specific challenges of the Decade of the Ocean. These papers represent a collective effort to devel...

Coffee from the Mountains to Revive Yemen's Economy

Extreme weather conditions, increasing temperatures, and decreasing rainfall are putting unprecedented stress on coffee plantations in Yemen. In the country's mountainous regions, where coffee crops...

Three Perspectives on Mountains: MR51 Interviews

The Think Tank section of issue 51 of Renewable Matter, dedicated to the Mountain, features an all-female panel. We have once again brought together some of the most authoritative voices at the...

Looking Upstream

“It’s only you townies who use the word nature. And it’s as abstract to you as the word itself. We say wood, meadow, river, rock, things that we can actually point to. Things that ...