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Make Italy Green: Frank Meyer’s ESG vision

Energy communities, customer care, highly decarbonisation-focused business, and a clear plan: “Make Italy Green”. E.ON Italia CEO Frank Meyer is an optimistic visionary who is working ti...

Startup: Reusable Filters by Atium to Combat Mercury Water Pollution

Atium is a startup that has developed a patent-pending technology, based on a reversible electrochemical process, to improve the performance and efficiency of mercury removal from water. The technol...

Startup: a new life for coffee grounds with Coffeefrom

Coffeefrom is an innovative startup with a social purpose (SIAVS), born from an idea by Social Enterprise Il Giardinone. The startup transforms coffee grounds from the food industry – among th...

The new version of the Circularity Platform, the digital tool to accelerate the circular transition

Circularity's Circularity Platform changes its look and updates its digital services to make companies more circular. The 2018 version aimed to broaden the scope of collaboration between companies w...

The true cost of our food

The current system of food production and consumption is threatening life on our planet. It is a major cause of global biodiversity loss, climate change and poverty. From an economic perspective, th...

Startup: Materials Design Map, a free online database of sustainable solutions

“We believe in multidisciplinary approaches to the sector and in design as a method to promote a transition towards a more sustainable future. Materials Design Map is our first project launche...

Climate: US announces historic investment in resilience

Climate change is here and now. And taking action means investing in resilience. That is the summary of the statement issued by the White House on June 19th and a harbinger of new endowments. In the...

Lula in Rome: we need new geopolitics that will give space to the Global South

A need for peace, in Ukraine and everywhere, and a need to build a new utopia for the global left. Plus the role of the UN and that of the Pope in a world of unprecedented geopolitical balances, the...

Startup: Nanofibers for lab-grown meat from Gelatex Technologies

Estonian startup Gelatex Technologies has patented a new high-capacity spinning method and a device for the production of nanofibers to innovate lab-grown meat, tissue engineering, energy storage, a...

Europe approves new rules for sustainable and circular batteries

Europe will be getting more sustainable and circular batteries. It has taken two and a half years, but the process for the new EU regulation on the design, manufacture, and management of both batter...

Toilets may provide an alternative to chemical fertilizers

The answer to the demand for natural, low-cost fertilizers could lie in our toilets, according to a German research published in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science. Human excreta –...

Startup: measuring biodiversity through drones and sensors with Pivotal

Pivotal is the British startup building a reliable and scalable platform to track biodiversity and enable farmers and beyond to be compensated for the ecosystem services they provide. Tracking biod...

Fragility in the Depths

The deep sea is only partially explored for less than 1% of its area, making it practically like another planet on Earth. Thousands of meters underwater, deep canyons, towering mountains and boundle...

Delicius, the Sustainable Anchovies

The sea is the only source of supply for the fishing industry, and its protection should be the core of any and all activity in this sector. Fish sampling methods and water health are among the fact...

The Ocean Inside

On the island of Inhaca, Mozambique, lies one of the most extraordinary observatories of ocean life I have visited as a journalist. Since 1951, the Estação de Biologia Marinha Eduardo ...

From vision to reality: here is Ireland’s circular transition

Put public policies into practice, involve citizens, innovate but with responsibility. From the Circular Economy Hotspot 2023 in Dublin, held from 29 May to 1 June, comes a strong and clear message:...

The Sea and Humankind: an Interdependent Relationship

The sea is a natural resource with which we have increasingly lost contact over time.Yet, 50% of what we breathe comes from the sea and is produced by the marine organisms that inhabit it. The ocean...

Startup: on-demand clothing repair and home delivery with Sojo App

Sojo connects customers who need to make alterations or repairs to their garments with an in-house team of tailors.Customers can book the service through the website or the app, and the repaired or ...

Global Plastics Treaty: upsides and downsides of the second round of negotiations

The second round of negotiations (INC-2) for a Global Plastics Treaty, held from May 29 to June 2 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, concluded with the adoption of a mandate to create a “zero dr...

World Circular Economy Forum 2023: it's time to accelerate the transition

The transition towards a global circular economy is gaining more and more traction, but it’s not fast nor widespread enough yet. That’s what emerged from the first two days of the World ...