Issue #49


2024 Finance

ESG ratings, climate finance, biodiversity funds, venture capital, carbon market, cryptocurrencies, reform of financial institutions, green bonds, and insurance. Through the voices of experts from around the world, with investigations and insights, RM49 focuses on the strategies that will be needed to make good use of the economic resources needed for a just transition.



Welcome to Post-Capitalism
by Emanuele Bompan

All the Funds for the EU’s Circular Transition
by Cillian Lohan


Understanding the New Finance
Reading tips from the Editorial Staff


How to Mobilise Capital for Climate Action
Interview with Morgan Després
by Emanuele Bompan

Blended and in Transition: The Asian Way to Climate Finance
Interview with Sayuri Shirai
by Giorgia Marino

How to Decarbonise Portfolios by Listening to Science
Interview with Frederic Samama
by Emanuele Bompan


Climate and Biodiversity Need Funding Now
by Emanuele Bompan

Insuring Climate Risk
by Giorgio Kaldor

Sustainable Bonds, the Challenge of Transparency
by Federica Casarsa

Banking, at the Edge of Green
by Andrea Barolini

Credit Instruments for Sustainable Projects
by Veronica Ulivieri

Are the ESG Ratings Working?
by Giorgio Kaldor

By Marco Morello

China, a Giant in Transition
by Giorgia Marino

US, the Mad Crusade Against ESG
by Emanuele Bompan

Financing the Circular Economy: Taking Stock
by Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Who is Investing in Climate Startups
by Lucrezia Lenardon


Carbonsink: We Need Sustainable Finance and Better Communication
by Giorgio Kaldor

CONOU, an Example of a Consortium Economic Model
by Emanuele Bompan

The Energy Transition Opens the Doors to the Humanistic Engineering of the Future
by Sara Perinetto

by Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Broccoli, the Sharefunding Platform for Sustainable Food Companies
Fractal, Farmers and Investors Together for Soil Health
Simplified Access to Green Financing in India with Neufin
Geospatial Data Analysis and AI to Manage Climate Risk with Sust Global

Changing Banks’ Perception of the Circular Economy
by Laxmi Haigh

Social and Environmental Aspects Create Value in Financial Investments
by Francesco Petrucci