Richard Heinberg

Journalist and educator Richard Heinberg, writes about energy, the environment and ecology. He is the author of 13 books and is currently
the Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. He is considered one of the major exponents of ending our dependence on fossil fuels. 

What a Waste

The circular economy is needed now more than ever. The USA alone produces around 260 million tons (US short tons) of municipal solid waste per year from homes and businesses, amounting to around 2.0...

Choosing Sides in the Civilisation-Planet Standoff

Financial and policy elites don’t want to hear any of this. Economic growth is the central article of faith in our modern world. Whatever the problem, growth is the solution; every politician ...

Trumping the Environment

In its latest “Emissions Gap” report, the UN Environment Programme found that 20 countries – including the United States, Japan, and Australia – are failing to meet their red...