Ilaria N. Brambilla

Algeria's Hard Path Towards a Circular Economy

2019 has been a complex year of transition for Algeria: street protests lasting over eight months led to the resignation of long-governing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and the interim government ...

Investing With Little Vision

To begin with, some clarity: what is a multilateral development bank (MDB)? MDBs are financial institutions founded by one or two countries with the goal of aiding economic development in poorer nat...

Itelyum: Sustainable Governance for Circular Economy

Itelyum has been circular since before the concept was even defined. Thanks to a series of strategic acquisitions (discussed in issue 27 of Renewable Matter, ed.) the company has expanded its range ...

Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference

Environmental Communication Should be More Emotive   Interview with Thierry Libaert, member of the EU Social and Economic Committee by I. N. B.     As an expert...

Itelyum: Circular Economy, Systemic Vision

A few years ago, in his book Corporation 2020, economist Pavan Sukhdev explained how companies going forward would have to behave differently to those in the so-called “brown economy&rdqu...

A Sustainable and Circular Ice Cream

Sammontana is Italy’s number one ice cream producer and a leader in the frozen patisserie sector, with four production plants and a turnover exceeding €380 million (2018 data). In 2016, i...

Occitania, a Positive Energy Region

Toulouse – the Occitania region’s capital – is a lively and historically rich city that has developed along the Garonne river. Known for being home to the Airbus headquarters and t...

The Future of Employment? It's Very Similar to its Past

Flexibility is the future of employment. Collaborative consumption will save the world. The internet is a democratic revolution. These are some of the enthusiastic statements that have marked our ec...

DS Smith: The Power of Less

Until about 20 years ago, the papermaking industry was regarded as one of the most detrimental sectors on the planet precisely because of the raw materials employed: cellulose and wood pulp provided...

Who Said Flies are Useless?

Disposing of waste thanks to a fly and producing feeds out of it. This is the objective of the “Insect Bioconversion” project, a study on the use of a fly – Hermetia illucens &ndas...

Ecomondo Regenerates Itself with the Circular Economy

  This year, Ecomondo – the international Trade Fair of matter and energy recovery and sustainable development, celebrates its twentieth anniversary. Born in Rimini in 1977 under the n...