Federico Pedrocchi

Federico Pedrocchi is a science journalist. He directs and presents the weekly programme Moebius broadcast by Radio 24 – Il Sole24 ore.

Recommendations After the Collapse of a Bridge

In light of this, people should react differently to a tragedy such as that of Genoa’s Morandi Bridge and should be more careful when making statements. It is certainly not appropriate to expr...

Today's Mistakes, Yesterday's Horrors

Working closely on this subject I was deeply surprised by the irrationality of the times we are living in, and its distinctive superficiality. However, I want to make clear that I am far from regret...

The Hard Things to Say

The co-planning approach changes results. Although not yet very popular, it is growing. There is a spurious version that may be defined as “open” to users, which are the central subjects...

Sustainability, the Final Act

There are different techniques. One is based on freezing the corpse in liquid nitrogen, with equipment which completes this passage by distributing the substance through nozzles which spray the body...

Science in the Trenches

We can start by describing some anecdotes. The researcher of Chinese or Japanese descent that before her speech, with her thumb and middle finger of both hands tries to open up her eyes to look trul...

What Have a Wheel and a Jacket Got in Common?

This means that, when no longer used, the jacket is completely recyclable thanks to some simple operations which restore the initial raw material. And it does not look bad either. This is a fundamen...

Micropigs from Beijing

There has been some ethical as well as cultural criticism: why carry out genetic experiments for the sake of our Disney animal fantasies? Disney culture is hardly condemnable, but we should be able ...

3D Printing and the Animal World

It really opens up a new world. 3D printers offer two new great possibilities. First, you can design an object from inside while traditionally it has always been designed from outside. If I shape so...

Expo: A (Partially) Untold Story

Critics like to begin by noting the absence of a coordinated message addressing the great global crises concerning the world’s food supply. In fact, such questions do receive attention here an...

Go Sailing, for a Change

It was a small vessel that gave up the square sail and replaced it with a mast and a piece of cloth that allowed catching the wind sideways and sailing straight. And the first submersible – th...

Cunning and Lateral

When I occasionally meet the general public I happen to use the following problem, which is totally fictitious, there is no scientific activity of this kind. I say: a recent research shows that in C...

The Demise of Screws and Nails

The peculiar thing is that this tool enables those who have manufactured the same objects before to make the objects of their dreams that traditional tools did not allow them to make. Many artisans ...

What Can't Be Cured Must Be Endured

For example: the toilet situation in railway stations. In my first article, I already touched upon the theme of “the use of urine.” I would like to go back to it by answering a question....

Stereons and DVD Blenders

A theoretical consideration: maybe one aspect of project development though reusing should bear in mind that an external shell has its own importance. I know a numerically significant community aski...

Straw Yellow Gold

However, there are various sophisticated plans not to throw it away. This is happening within a cultural panorama that I find extremely fascinating: the most advanced technologies enable us to ident...

Eggs and Mines

The science of materials is generating strong pressure towards big changes of direction. One of the most recent ones seems destined to generate a conflict between calcium mines and eggs. Ivan Cornej...

Edible Films? Courgettes Invented Them!

Well, we could eat food containers, by designing them edible, of course. There are some interesting results with mineral water algae-based containers. A solution that could prove very fruitful and t...