Daniel Groves

Daniel Groves has a background in Business Economics and is passionate about the growth of sustainable businesses. Daniel has collaborated with many online publications to further develop his knowledge and share his experience with like-minded eco-conscious entrepreneurs, business owners, and growth strategists

Eco-Friendly Hotel Amenities: Reducing Waste Without Compromising Luxury

As a hotel, becoming eco-friendly has never been more important. In 2022, almost 80% of global travellers surveyed were looking to stay in sustainable accommodation in the year ahead, with gree...

The Top Benefits of Home Composting

More and more people are turning to home composting as a way of being greener, improving their gardens and making use of organic waste which would ordinarily be sent for recycling or to landfil...

How fashion brands can ensure a more sustainable supply chain

A sustainable supply chain relies on three contributory factors: social, environmental and financial. The trend towards throwaway fashion has meant that the industry has not previously been particul...
