Cinzia Scaffidi

Cinzia Scaffidi has worked as a journalist and freelance lecturer since 2015. She is concerned with global issues regarding food: from the environment to public health, from sustainability to producer and consumer rights. Scaffidi teaches at several universities and schools, including the University of Gastronomical Sciences in Pollenzo.

War and the wheat crisis: what are the effects in Europe and the world?

The last global food crisis dates back to 2007-2008. At that time, a series of concomitant causes – from the increase in oil prices, to the reduction of areas cultivated for food purposes in favor...

More Shadows Than Light on the Future of Food in Europe

Not enough care for the climate and biodiversity, and an imbalance that favours larger farms that aim to perpetuate industrial approaches. This, in short, is the assessment of European trade associa...
