Mattia Battagion

Mattia Battagion - copywriter and environmental journalist. He writes about food, cities and circular economy

The Wizard and the Prophet or How to Feed 10 Billion People

The future of our planet depends on the approach we choose to solve problems. As Charles C. Mann illustrates in his latest book, The Wizard and The Prophet, there are two dominant visions: one, that...

David R. Montgomery: To go forward we must look down

“What is essential is invisible to the eyes”, ‎Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in the literary masterpiece The Little Prince. Soil provides 95% of our food and holds more carbon than all of Ea...

"It's the How, not the Cow"


Beyond recycling: the Copenhagen Circularity Lab

Described by the organizers as a "platform for participatory innovation that aims to create a more circular economic model," the Copenhagen Circularity Lab is a unique experiment that helps make the...

Short-Term Profits for the Few: Populism and Agribusiness in Brazil

The Amazon is on fire. We can do something. Although these are both truthful messages, they must be put into context.  Indeed, scientific data about fires has often been reported with inaccura...

Regeneration: Planting Trees is the Secret Weapon for Reversing the Climate Emergency

“When I think that a man alone, reduced to his own simple physical and moral resources, was enough to cause this land of Canaan to spring out of the desert, I do find that, after all, the huma...

Reconnecting With the Original Value of Food Through Fermentation

  We waste a third of the food we produce, and this is also because we forget where it comes from and what its real value in environmental terms is. At Noma in Copenhagen, the second-best re...