Joe Iles

Joe Iles è editor in chief di Circulate alla Ellen McArthur Foundation contribuendo a diffondere pareri illustri, notizie e casi di studio sull’economia circolare.

What the World Can Learn From Māori Thinking

Since 2010, the circular economy has moved beyond a niche topic, to an area of research and practice, and an undeniable trend around the world. Faced with the current stalling take-make-waste model,...

Policy: The Circular Designer's Secret Weapon

Since its inception in 2010, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has placed design as crucial to achieving a circular economy. In fact, the very first initiative from the Foundation was Project ReDesign,...

Make Fashion Circular

You’ve probably guessed by now that this isn’t really a fair interpretation. But, the underlying principle still holds water. As children grow, their needs and sizes change frequently. I...