Name: Laserfood

Sector: Packaging

Pros: Natural Branding with laser technology that reduces the impact of labelling by over 99%

Characteristics: Patented laser technology that allows stickers to be replaced and reduces packaging for fruit and vegetables


 Laser Mark Technology is a system developed and patented by Spanish company Laser Food with which any type of fruit and vegetable – from apples to coconuts, ginger or avocados – can be permanently marked without direct contact or the use of any extra materials. This innovation also allows for different and specific information to be tailored to each piece of fruit.

The new labelling system involves removing a very small amount of the peel from the product, without damaging the fruit or vegetable, before applying – only to certain types of products – an EU-approved contrast liquid.

The Natural Branding technology eliminates the need for stickers on fruit, which avoids the use of ink, adhesives, glues and colouring agents. Thus, the ecological footprint of the labelling process is greatly reduced. The company has calculated that the amount of CO2 produced by Laser Mark Technology is equivalent to less than 0.2% of the CO2 emitted in the production of a sticker of the same size.

Natural Branding has already won several international prizes for packaging innovation and sustainability, also thanks to its adoption by Eosta, a Dutch company that is an industry leader in the production and distribution of organic fruit and veg. In collaboration with Swedish supermarket chain ICA, Eosta has started trialling laser labelling to replace the stickers that are usually applied to individual fruits and vegetables, and are almost exclusively non-edible. Natural Branding has become a strong point of Eosta’s marketing campaigns against climate change and in favour of greener and more sustainable food.